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Swing for October Glory with a Custom Pro X Bat

By: X Bats |  (0) Post comment »  |  Read comments »
The boys of summer might enjoy playing ball across this great nation this summer, but make no mistake about it they are all swinging for October glory. October means playoff baseball. October means World Series baseball and October glory. After 162 games, October brings the moment when every swing matters and nothing is left to chance. That's why it brings a patriotic cheer to our faces when we see X Bats swinging away in October. With the crack of the bat and the roar of the crowd, October greatness rests in every swing. Fortunately for the average lover of baseball, the same beautifully crafted maple and ash wood crafted bats are available to all. World Series baseball may not be in your future, but that doesn't mean the thrill of a deep ball driven over centerfield is any less sweet. So let's talk about how you too can get a little taste of October glory.